A growing number of clinicians rely on AdaptDx to detect age-related macular degeneration in their adult patients. Our customers tell the story of how they’re fighting against blindness caused by AMD.
One of the great things about the AdaptDx is that it’s a very straightforward test to understand as a practitioner. It’s basically a yes-or-no test. If somebody has impaired dark adaptation, which means their ability to recover from a bright light takes longer than 6.5 minutes, we know with 90% sensitivity and specificity that the patient has macular degeneration.
Just like the OCT, I don't know how I practiced without the AdaptDx. From being able to diagnose AMD before we see any clinical signs and being able to monitor at the correct follow-up time for my patients that have AMD is wonderful. I felt like it was just a shot in the dark as to when I should have early AMD patients return, but now knowing their rod intercept, I can confidently say exactly when their follow-ups should be.
When I purchased my OCT, I must admit there was a learning curve reading the scans. With the AdaptDx, there is only the Rod Intercept to evaluate, so it was extremely easy to interpret and therefore incorporate into my practice.
Outside of the lane, there are four essential diagnostic tests that I couldn’t practice without: OCT, fundus camera, visual field, and the AdaptDx.
Having had the AdaptDx in my practice for almost 5 years has reinforced my confidence level in diagnosing AMD early with 90% sensitivity and specificity. My patients appreciate this technology and early diagnosis so that we can better monitor their progress and guide them with preventive measures. My patients recognize our practice as an AMD Center of Excellence with a commitment to preventing blindness through early diagnosis and management. MacuLogix has given our doctors the tool to be leaders in early AMD diagnosis.
We are the first eye care provider to offer the AdaptDx test in Canada! I realized I owed it to my patients to offer this innovative test to help with the early detection and management of AMD. Now, my practice gets to be the one that inspires others here in Canada to begin managing AMD earlier than ever before!
The AdaptDx gives us the best gift of all: time to take appropriate action to slow the progression of the disease. All in all this instrument is crucial in the early detection & disease management of AMD.
The MacuLogix AdaptDx performs a robust and reliable test of central retinal dysfunction and establishes a proven early biomarker for age-related macular degeneration. The elegance of the instrument lies in its simplicity: an easy procedure for the patient, a short test duration, and an unambiguous data output for the clinician.
The AdaptDx has been a wonderful addition to our practice. Not only does it allow us to help detect macular degeneration at its earliest subclinical state but also then allows us to help educate patients with lifestyle changes helping to prolong the disease process and improve quality of living. It has been a wonderful practice builder by setting us apart as a very high-quality eye care facility providing better patient confidence in the care that they are being provided.
Using the AdaptDx, doctors can help patients with one of the most feared conditions and provide them hope and early treatment options.