Technical Resources
Here you’ll find current versions of user manuals, latest software updates, and other technical information. Broken down into precise and easy-to-understand sections, these guides will help you operate your AdaptDx Pro® headset dark adaptometer.
Do you have questions? Please call our Customer Support at 1.888.392.6801.
AdaptDx Pro User Manuals
For a comprehensive review of your headset device, choose the appropriate manual for your practice region.
AdaptDx Pro Set-up Guide
These quick guides walk you through the AdaptDx Pro interface. Simply follow the instructions provided in the links below, and you’re on your way to becoming a leader in the AMD revolution!
AdaptDx Pro Quick Reference Guides
These quick guides walk you through the AdaptDx Pro interface. Simply follow the instructions provided in the links below, and you’re on your way to becoming a leader in the AMD revolution!
Looking for the AdaptDx Tabletop guides and manuals?
You can find them in the AdaptDx Learning and Resources section.