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Patient Education Resources


This 2’x3′ poster is a great addition to your waiting or exam room. Increase AMD awareness by displaying it anywhere patients are sure to take notice.

Rack Card

These cards can be easily displayed throughout your practice to provide patients with a comprehensive overview of dark adaptation testing with the AdaptDx Pro headset dark adaptometer.


Our brochures play an important role in educating your patients and their loved ones about AMD and actions they can take to obtain an early diagnosis and slow disease progression. This resource includes a blank space on the back where you can add you name, logo, and contact information.

How We Find AMD

An easy-to-understand graphic to use during your conversations with newly diagnosed AMD patients. While walking the patients through the AdaptDx (or AdaptDx Pro) test results, you can use this overview to explain the biology of AMD and why impaired dark adaptation indicates AMD even though no signs are yet visible with retinal imaging technology.